A.M. Leonard
AM Leonard Hori Hori Soil Knife
AM Leonard Hori Hori Soil Knife
Overal Length: 11-3/4in
Blade Stainless Steel, 6in
Weight 1/2lb
Features Dual-cut serrated edge, built-in twine cutting notch, etched depth markers
Handle Comfortable, one-piece molded composite handle. This handle features a more rounded grip and a molded thumb rest. We also increased the diameter of the hook opening.
Description Works well for nearly any task. Use it to plant bulbs, flowers, and herbs. Its razor-sharp edge cleanly slices through plant roots, weeds, twine, or plant ties. It also works well for dividing plants, digging up rocks, and cleaning out cracks in your sidewalk or pavement. The blade withstands over 300 pounds of pressure, so it stands up to nearly any task.
A very serious favorite of the Mother Earth Gardens garden maintenance crew.